
Our Boston Travels!!!

October 4, 2012

I’m Catherine.
A New Orleans based wedding photographer and educator. We are excited you are here and cannot wait to connect with you!.
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When Kristen + Steve contacted us to shoot their wedding, I was SO excited….for so many reasons! This was our first opportunity to photograph a wedding for a couple that was neither from Louisiana originally nor traveling out of state for a destination wedding. Kristen + Steve are native to Boston and found my website through a friend on social networks. [The power of the internet is incredible!]

So, about a year ago, Amelia and I booked our flights and prepared for the trip! We spent the first night in Boston scouting the venue and meeting/hanging out with Kristen and her two best friends Adrian + Jessica. The next day was Kristen + Steve’s wedding..and on Sunday we began our travels. We opted to stay a few extra days in Boston. It was Labor Day weekend and neither of us had ever seen the city!

We spent all day Sunday and Monday exploring Boston, hanging out…meeting new people and just…taking life one day at a time! So below is the highlight of the travel portion of our trip!


TOP LEFT: This was a photo of Amelia and I just before we boarded our plane to Boston!

TOP RIGHT: Our first night in Quincy, we had dinner at The Fours. Of course…while in Boston, I enjoyed the traditional “Clam Chowda” as they call it, Lobster, a Lobster Roll in the Quincy Market, and a bowl of Mac ‘N Cheese” just off Newbury St.

BOTTOM LEFT: The view of the Tirrell Room where Kristen + Steve’s wedding was held.

BOTTOM RIGHT: My “city boots” picked up at Steve Madden’s store on Newbury. I snapped this shot on our second day touring as I waited for the sub. #fromwhereistand (true instagram style)



I’m a city girl. Like…when I close my eyes, I picture myself in the first scene of the movie “Sweet Home Alabama.” I’ve got my sunglasses on, a cup of coffee in one hand, a scarf around my neck and my boots on my feet! I’m crossing the street and feeling the cool breeze blow my hair! AH!!! πŸ™‚ City life. So, needless to say, I felt right at home in Boston. We took the shuttle to the station and hopped on the T or the Boston subway to head for the inner part of the city!

As soon as we walked out of our first stop, this was our view!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Amelia and I decided it’d be a good idea to take the bus tour around the city to quickly familiarize us with the size and location of everything as well as some of the stories in such a historic city.

Now forgive me because my memory does at times fail me but if I’m not mistaken, this is the cambridge skyline just over the Charles River.

This is the Boston Skyline..and I’m fairly certain of this because I can see the Presidential tower from here. We had hoped to stop in for a drink at the top and view of the city…but time got ahead of us and we never made it.

Boston is one of the CLEANEST cities I’ve ever been to. And it’s forward thinking and progressive ways have produced incredible and sustainable architecture such as this building below.

If I were to go back to Boston, the one thing I’d do that we didn’t get to do was Kayak. πŸ™‚

Not only do I love the ability to walk from store to store, coffee shop to offices, and enjoy the beautiful architecture in a large city. But I also am fascinated with the parks and pedestrian areas!


TOP LEFT: One of the things that was on my DEFINITE to do list in Boston, was to visit Harvard University. πŸ™‚ So, we did! While there, Amelia and I picked up a few shirts and souveniers including my lobster keychain to remind me that I apparantely don’t know how to eat it.

TOP RIGHT: Speaking of eating lobster, the night after Kristen + Steve’s wedding, Kristen’s Man-Of-Honor Adrian invited Amelia and I to join he and some friends at the Barking Crab. We had a wonderful time and I even learned how to eat lobster! lol…thanks to them, we felt really at home in the city and truly enjoyed their hospitality.

BOTTOM LEFT: The second day out touring, while riding the train, we struck up a conversation with these two gentlemen. I don’t even know how it began, but we found ourselves spending the next few hours listening to Adam (far right)’s stories and sharing in Jude (just to his left)’s wisdom. Adam held a “fake tour”, took us down the “yellow brick/freedom trail road” and taught us how to “acquire enough samples to fill your stomach” in the Quincy market. My parents taught me “never to talk to strangers”…lol…but these are two that I’m happy we took a risk on. (And I’m happy they took a risk on us). πŸ™‚ It’s funny how you come cross paths with others in your lifetime and create such memorable experiences.

AHHH…Newbury Street. πŸ™‚ Amelia and I spent MUCH of our time here. It’s the SHOPPING street of the City. Near the Boston Public Garden, there’s the highend shops like Gucci and as you continue down the street, you see everything from Chanel to Forever 21.

Like I said in my post on Finland, there’s something about the history and architecture of churches that really intrigue me. According to our tour guide, this church really put the United States, and Boston specifically on the map for its architecture.

This area is known for the Boston School of Music. Musicians like Melissa Ethridge and John Mayer attended this school!

I just find large cities so inspiring! You never know what you’ll see next. πŸ™‚

This drawing was really beautiful…so I had to capture it.

Man…I just wish we could have gotten closer to this bridge. I knew the moment I laid eyes on it that it HAD to be a Calatrava design. Sure enough…it was! He was one of my favorite designers in architecture school.

In Finland, my favorite trees were what I called the white trees. I never actually found out the real term but in Boston, these weeping willows REALLY caught my attention. This was Boston’s Public Garden…and my absolutele favorite spot in the city.

While we were there…which wasn’t long, we saw FOUR bridal parties. So, we stopped and stared (of course.) Yes, we were those people. πŸ™‚

This was actually shot as we walked back to our hotel after dinner at the Barking Crab. It was a view of the Charles River at night underneath the bridge.

Harvard’s campus was as beautiful as I thought it’d be!

….and the quad was FILLED with colorful chairs and students scattered throughout studying and just enjoying the GORGEOUS weather!

“The Gates of Harvard”

While in the Cambridge area visiting Harvard, we decided to explore beyond a bit….to see what the housing surrounding the University looked like.

I was especially intrigued by this TINY space between two living quarters. The red door and texutres/materiality BLEW>MY>MIND. πŸ™‚

So in the order of which things occurred, this was the end of our second day…when we decided to spend that time with Adam and Jude. As you can see, there was never a dull moment.

LOL. Priceless.

I can still remember this moment. We were walking back to Newbury (of course) for more shopping…and cupcakes from the Georgetown Bakery when the sun was setting.

My feet were hurting SO badly from my new boots. lol…and I could barely keep up! BUT…with all that being said, I was still in love the city!. πŸ™‚

On our way back on the last night, I saw the church doors were open on Newbury. So I snuck in to grab this photo. πŸ™‚ Wow. I would love to photograph a wedding here!

The trip was fabulous! I feel so honored to have been there shooting Kristen + Steve’s wedding, and I was excited to explore the city as well! We’re so thankful for everyone’s hospitality and really loved the city!!!

I hope you enjoyed this “blog tour” of Boston.. πŸ™‚ ….I enjoyed revisiting the memories.

Enjoy your evening!

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  1. Adam Libert says:

    Catherine! another great post, and not just because we’re in it πŸ™‚ thanks so much for the kind words, they mean a lot! and i’m also so glad that we decided to take a detour from our way to Jude’s friend’s BBQ to join you girls on an adventure. i remember standing there on the train when we got to that stop, looking at Jude and trying to decide whether we would continue on or abandon our plans to travel with you two. definitely one of the most fun random little excursions i’ve been on in boston. you and amelia are awesome, and i hope you continue to meet awesome people on your journeys!

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